Y. Shen, J. Liang, A. Artemyev, V. Angelopoulos, Q. Ma, L. Lyons, J. Liu, Y. Nishimura, X.-J. Zhang, I. Vasko, and D. L. Hampton. Red Line Diffuse-Like Aurora Driven by Time Domain Structures Associated With Braking Magnetotail Flow Bursts. Geophysical Research Letters, volume 51, issue 10, April 2024 . Y. Shen, J. Liang, A. Artemyev, V. Angelopoulos, Q. Ma, L. Lyons, J. Liu, Y. Nishimura, X.-J. Zhang, I. Vasko, and D. L. Hampton. Red Line Diffuse-Like Aurora Driven by Time Domain Structures Associated With Braking Magnetotail Flow Bursts. Geophysical Research Letters, volume 51, issue 10, April 2024 . P. R. Vaggu, M. Zettergren, K. Deshpande, Y. Nishimura, J. Semeter, M. Hirsch, D. Hampton, L. Lamarche, and S. Datta-Barua. Model-Based Investigation of Electron Precipitation-Driven Density Structures and Their Effects on Auroral Scintillation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, volume 129, issue 7, 2024 . A. English, D. J. Stuart, D. L. Hampton, and S. Datta-Barua. Automated Nighttime Cloud Detection Using Keograms When Aurora Is Present. Earth and Space Science, volume 11, issue 1, 2024 . S. Kaeppler, D. G. Markowski, A. M. Pepper, R. Troyer, A. N. Jaynes, R. H. Varney, and D. Hampton. Data-driven empirical conductance relations during auroral precipitation using incoherent scatter radar and all sky imagers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, September 2023 . P. R. Vaggu, K. B. Deshpande, S. Datta-Barua, G. S. Bust, D. L. Hampton, A. L. Rubio, and J. P. Conroy. Morphological and Spectral Features of Ionospheric Structures at E- and F-Region Altitudes over Poker Flat Analyzed Using Modeling and Observations. Sensors, volume 23, issue 5, February 2023 . N. H. Godbole, M. R. Lessard, D. R. Kenward, B. A. Fritz, R. H. Varney, R. G. Michell, and D. Hampton. Observations of ion upflow and 630.0 nm emission during pulsating aurora. Frontiers in Physics, volume 10, 2022 . Y.-Z. Ma, Q.-H. Zhang, L. R. Lyons, J. Liu, Z.-Y. Xing, A. Reimer, Y. Nishimura, and D. Hampton. Is Westward Travelling Surge Driven by the Polar Cap Flow Channels? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, volume 126, issue 8, 2021 . L. R. Lyons, J. Liu, Y. Nishimura, C.-P. Wang, A. S. Reimer, W. A. Bristow, D. L. Hampton, X. Shi, R. H. Varney, and E. F. Donovan. Radar Observations of Flows Leading to Longitudinal Expansion of Substorm Onset over Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2021 . C. Tape, A. T. Ringler, and D. L. Hampton. Recording the Aurora at Seismometers across Alaska. Seismological Research Letters, volume 91, issue 6, pages 3039-3053, 2020 . R. Clayton, K. Lynch, M. Zettergren, M. Burleigh, M. Conde, G. Grubbs, D. Hampton, D. Hysell, M. Lessard, R. Michell, A. Reimer, T. M. Roberts, M. Samara, and R. Varney. Two-Dimensional Maps of In Situ Ionospheric Plasma Flow Data Near Auroral Arcs Using Auroral Imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, volume 124, issue 4, 2019 . A. Kiene, W. A. Bristow, M. G. Conde, and D. L. Hampton. High‐resolution local measurements of F region ion temperatures and Joule heating rates using SuperDARN and ground‐based optics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, volume 124, 2019 . J. H. Hecht, J. H. Clemmons, M. G. Conde, D. L. Hampton, R. G. Michell, D. Rowland, R. F. Pfaff, , and R. L. Walterscheid. Observations of spatial variations in O/N2 during an auroral substorm using the multichannel downlooking camera on the VISIONS rocket. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, American Geophysical Union, issue 123, 2018 . J. S. Kim, K. Papathanassiou, F. Meyer, and D. Hampton. Monitoring of Auroral Activities over Fairbanks, Alaska, using SAR, PFISR and Keograms. IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018 . A. Kiene, W. A. Bristow, M. G. Conde, and D. L. Hampton. Measurements of ion‐neutral coupling in the auroral F region in response to increases in particle precipitation. 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