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Experiment View

20190217.008 - MSWinds27.v01

← Previous Experiment: 20190217.007 (IPY27_Tracking_v03) | Next Experiment: 20190218.001 (IPY27_Tracking_v03) →

← Previous MSWinds27.v01 Experiment: 20190217.006 | Next MSWinds27.v01 Experiment: 20190218.004 →

Alternating Code
_ac_1min-fitcal Electron density - No Te/Ti Correction - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_NePower_NoTr.png
_ac_1min-fitcal Signal to Noise Ratio - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_SNR.png
_ac_1min-fitcal Electron Density - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_Ne.png
_ac_1min-fitcal Ion-Neutral Collision Frequency - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_nuin-0.png
_ac_1min-fitcal O+ Ion Fraction - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_IonFrac-0.png
_ac_1min-fitcal Electron Temperature - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_Te.png
_ac_1min-fitcal Ion Temperature - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_Ti-0.png
_ac_1min-fitcal Te/Ti Ratio - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_Tr-0.png
_ac_1min-fitcal LOS Velocity - 1 images (click to view) 2-17-2019 21.014 UT - 2-18-2019 0.001 UT_Vlos-0.png