
L. Goodwin, J.-P. St.-Maurice, P. Richards, M. Hairston, and M. Nicolls
F region dusk ion temperature spikes at the equatorward edge of the high latitude convection pattern
Geophys. Res. Lett., 2014
amisr pfisr
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  author = "L. Goodwin and J.-P. St.-Maurice and P. Richards and M. Hairston and M. Nicolls",
  title = "F region dusk ion temperature spikes at the equatorward edge of the high latitude convection pattern",
  year =  2014 ,
  journal = "Geophys. Res. Lett.",
  volume = 41,
  pages = "300-307",
  keywords = "amisr, pfisr",
  doi = "10.1002/2013GL058442"