R. Mesquita,
S. R. Kaeppler,
R. Varney,
A. Reimer,
R. F. Pfaff,
J. Craven,
M. Conde,
I. Azeem, and
P. Dandenault
Quantifying Meridional Advection in the Auroral E-Region For a Range of Geomagnetic Activity Levels
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2025
thermospheric winds
advective acceleration
e-region forcing
auroral forcing
sounding rockets
neutral wind advection
author = "R. Mesquita and S. R. Kaeppler and R. Varney and A. Reimer and R. F. Pfaff and J. Craven and M. Conde and I. Azeem and P. Dandenault",
title = "Quantifying Meridional Advection in the Auroral E-Region For a Range of Geomagnetic Activity Levels",
year = 2025 ,
journal = "Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics",
volume = 130,
number = 2,
month = "Jan",
keywords = "thermospheric winds, advective acceleration, e-region forcing, auroral forcing, sounding rockets, neutral wind advection, pfisr",
doi = "",
url = "",
note = "e2024JA032952 2024JA032952"