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Journal Articles by K. A. Lynch

M. Nosé, K. Hosokawa, R. Nomura, M. Teramoto, K. Asamura, Y. Miyoshi, T. Mitani, T. Sakanoi, T. Namekawa, T. Kawano, Y. Iwanaga, S. Tatematsu, M. Hirahara, A. Halford, M. Shumko, M. R. Lessard, K. Lynch, N. Paschalidis, A. N. Jaynes, and M. G. McHarg
Field-Aligned Currents Associated With Pulsating Auroral Patches: Observation With Magneto-Impedance Magnetometer (MIM) Onboard Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Sounding Rocket
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2024
pfisr pfrr magneto-impedance sensor sounding rocket field-aligned current pulsating aurora magnetic field
URL, DOI, BibTex
M. Burleigh, K. Lynch, M. Zettergren, and R. Clayton
Spatiotemporal Limitations of Data-Driven Modeling: An ISINGLASS Case Study
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2022
ionospheric modeling data-driven modeling isinglass rocket spatiotemporal limitations pfisr
URL, DOI, BibTex
M. Fraunberger, K. A. Lynch, R. Clayton, T. M. Roberts, D. Hysell, M. Lessard, A. Reimer, and R. Varney
Auroral ionospheric plasma flow extraction using subsonic retarding potential analyzers
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020
pfisr pfrr
URL, DOI, BibTex
R. Clayton, K. Lynch, M. Zettergren, M. Burleigh, M. Conde, G. Grubbs, D. Hampton, D. Hysell, M. Lessard, R. Michell, A. Reimer, T. M. Roberts, M. Samara, and R. Varney
Two-Dimensional Maps of In Situ Ionospheric Plasma Flow Data Near Auroral Arcs Using Auroral Imagery
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2019
URL, DOI, BibTex
P. A. Fernandes, K. A. Lynch, M. Zettergren, D. L. Hampton, T. A. Bekkeng, I. J. Cohen, M. Conde, L. E. Fisher, P. Horak, M. R. Lessard, R. J. Miceli, R. G. Michell, J. I. Moen, and S. P. Powell
Measuring the seeds of ion outflow: Auroral sounding rocket observations of low-altitude ion heating and circulation
J. Geophys. Res., 2016
amisr pfisr pfrr
DOI, BibTex
K. A. Lynch, D. L. Hampton, M. Zettergren, T. A. Bekkeng, M. Conde, P. A. Fernandes, P. Horak, M. Lessard, R. Miceli, R. Michell, J. Moen, M. Nicolls, S. P. Powell, and M. Samara
MICA sounding rocket observations of conductivity-gradient-generated auroral ionospheric responses: Small-scale structure with large-scale drivers
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 2015
amisr pfisr pfrr
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M. Zettergren, K. Lynch, D. Hampton, M. Nicolls, B. Wright, M. Conde, J. Moen, M. Lessard, R. Miceli, and S. Powell
Auroral ionospheric F region density cavity formation and evolution: MICA campaign results
J. Geophys. Res., 2014
amisr pfisr pfrr
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K. A. Lynch, D. Hampton, M. Mella, B. Zhang, H. Dahlgren, M. Disbrow, P. M. Kintner, M. Lessard, E. Lundberg, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen
Structure and dynamics of the nightside poleward boundary: Sounding rocket and ground-based observations of auroral electron precipitation in a rayed curtain
J. Geophys. Res., 2012
amisr pfisr pfrr
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D. Hysell, R. Miceli, J. Munk, D. Hampton, C. Heinselman, M. Nicolls, S. Powell, K. Lynch, and M. Lessard
Comparing VHF coherent scatter from the radar aurora with incoherent scatter and all-sky auroral imagery
J. Geophys. Res., 2012
amisr pfisr pfrr
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M. R. Mella, K. A. Lynch, D. L. Hampton, H. Dahlgren, P. M. Kintner, M. Lessard, D. Lummerzheim, E. T. Lundberg, M. J. Nicolls, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen
Sounding rocket study of two sequential auroral poleward boundary intensifications
J. Geophys. Res., 2011
amisr pfisr pfrr
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R. G. Michell, K. A. Lynch, C. J. Heinselman, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen
High time resolution PFISR and optical observations of naturally enhanced ion acoustic lines
Ann. Geophys., 2009
amisr pfisr pfrr
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S. L. Jones, M. R. Lessard, P. A. Fernandes, D. Lummerzheim, J. L. Semeter, C. J. Heinselman, K. A. Lynch, R. G. Michell, P. M. Kintner, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, and K. Asamura
PFISR and ROPA observations of pulsating aurora
J. Atmos Solar-Terr. Phys., 2009
amisr pfisr pfrr
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R. G. Michell, K. A. Lynch, C. J. Heinselman, and H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen
PFISR nightside observations of naturally enhanced ion acoustic lines, and their relation to boundary auroral features
Ann. Geophys., 2008
amisr pfisr pfrr
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